
June 15, 2021

KT ‘My Office’ Released…”Realization of telecommuting office environment”

[Photo: KT] [Digital Today Reporter Baek Yeon-sik] KT introduced a digital transformation (DX) service that can conveniently and efficiently implement a telecommuting environment for companies activated […]
March 17, 2021

The new version of Uniswap is about to be released. 24-hour trading volume accounts for 54% of the total DEX on ETH

On March 17 news, Uniswap founder Hayden Adams reposted a tweet about “DEX 7-day trading volume”, saying that Uniswap still accounts for about 60% of trading […]
February 19, 2021

V God released the first hard fork proposal HF1 of the ETH2.0 beacon chain, introducing a fairer node penalty mechanism

V God released the first hard fork proposal HF1 of the ETH2.0 beacon chain, introducing a fairer node penalty mechanism Ethereum founder V God introduced the […]