June 18, 2021

LINE, AI and machine learning fields open recruitment for master’s and doctoral students

[Digital Today Correspondent Choo Hyeon-woo] Mobile platform service company Line Plus (hereafter Line) will openly recruit new masters and doctorates in AI and machine learning fields. […]
May 17, 2021

Live Culture Lab based on blockchain consensus mechanism, music library platform ‘Live Culture Lab’ Officially open

Live Culture Lab, based on blockchain consensus mechanism, officially opened’Live Culture Lab’, a music library platform Live Culture Lab based on blockchain consensus mechanism announced on […]
May 15, 2021

Where did the smart money go? Retail investors flock to cryptocurrency, traditional finance is “forced” to open up new businesses

Where did the smart money go? Retail investors flock to cryptocurrency, traditional finance is “forced” to open up new businesses Under the guidance of institutions, more […]